The M.A. program consists of a Master's Core (A), Master's Electives (B), and Other Master's Requirements (C).
A. Master's Core Course Work (16 hours):
Soci 8010: Intermediate Social Statistics (3) Soci 8020: Research Methodology (3)
Soci 8342: Qualitative Methods in Sociology (3) Soci 9010: Advanced Social Statistics (4)
Soci 9020: Advanced Research Methodology (3)
B. Master's Elective Course Work (9 hours):
Take three substantive sociology courses or advanced data analysis courses as electives One elective should be in a substantive area such as:
Soci 8030: Sociological Theory I (3)
Soci 8102: Life Course Sociology (3)
Soci 8156: Sexuality and Society (3)
Soci 8216: Gender and Society (3)
Soci 8212: Race and Ethnic Relations (3) Soci 8226: Urban Sociology (3)
Soci 9230: Sociology of Health & Illness (3
One elective should be in an advanced data analysis or data collection method.
Soci 9050: Advanced Topics in Research Methods (3) Soci 8160: Domestic Field School (3)
GEOS 6520 Quantitative spatial analysis (4)
Soci 8900: Applied Sociology and Evaluation Methods (3) PMAP 8521: Evaluation Research: Design & Practice (3) PH 7711: Epidemiological Methods (3)*
PH 8890: Special topics in Biostatistics (3)*
EPRS 9570: Hierarchical Linear Modeling (3)*
Soci 8900/Gero 8700: Intervention Research Design (3)
One additional substantive or methodological elective of your choice from offerings either #1 or #2.
*Any other methods course may be taken with permission from the graduate director and course instructor.
C. Other Master's Requirements (6 hours): Soci 8980: Internship (3)
Soci 8900: Capstone (3)
View a detailed list of curriculum requirements.