Professional black female holding laptop in front of building
What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

Three courses, for a total of nine credit hours, are required.

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus, Online (some courses)

Not all electives are offered online. The choice of electives will determine whether the program can be completed fully online.

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

Fall: July 1
Spring: November 15
Summer: Does Not Admit

Leadership & Aging, Graduate Certificate

Director of Graduate Studies:
Wendy Simonds
[email protected]

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership & Aging is designed to help people working in aging services upgrade their skills, advance their career and improve client services and outcomes. Students will develop a foundational and critical lens in the field of Gerontology, and gain communication, self-development, teamwork, professionalism, equity and inclusion skills.

The program is designed for working professionals and consists of three courses. Students must complete two required courses — Seminar in Gerontology and Aging Program Administration — and one elective course. Credits earned may be applied to the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology or M.A. in Gerontology programs.

Program Details

Applicants for the certificate must be accepted to the Georgia State Graduate School.

A minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA is preferred.

Use the HOW TO APPLY button below to get started on your application.

The certificate requires completion of 3 graduate courses (9 credit hours) in Gerontology.

For more details, visit the course catalog.

Students can apply for a variety of scholarships and awards each spring semester. For more information, go to:

For more information about program costs, check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

The objectives of the Leadership & Aging certificate program are to:

  • Help students develop a foundational and critical lens to consider gerontological issues;
  • Guide students to develop communication, self-development, teamwork, equity and inclusion, professionalism and leadership competencies;
  • Provide graduate coursework that leads to career-competencies, career advancement, and better outcomes for older adults.

Career Opportunities

The population around the globe is aging and this demographic shift influences every aspect of our society.

As the number of older adults continues to grow, there is a strong need for more professionals trained in the unique needs of this population.

Young woman helping elderly women take a walk on a lawn


Gerontology Institute Director
Jennifer Craft Morgan
[email protected]

Director of Graduate Studies:
Wendy Simonds
[email protected]

Business Manager:
Quinn Drake
[email protected]

College of Arts & Sciences Lockup25 Park Pl NE #2500
Atlanta, GA 30303