geographic map of New York city

What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

17-19 hours

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

Students may enter the program in the fall, spring or summer.


Geographic Information Science Undergraduate Certificate

This program allows an undergraduate in any major to gain training and certification in Geographic Information Systems. This is a hot field that can add strength to careers in geography, geology, public health, sociology, policy, business, anthropology and other fields.

The Department of Geosciences includes a diverse faculty of scholars from the disciplines of geography, geology and hydrology. Research clusters in the department investigate pressing urban environmental issues, including water (from water governance to water quality and quantity), climate change and quantity, geochemical processes, and geographical information systems and informatics.

Program Details

High School Seniors and Recent Graduates
If you’re a senior in high school or if you graduated from high school within the last two years, you’ll apply to begin your bachelor’s degree program using Georgia State’s Common Application.

Find out more about applying

International students
International applicants are those students who are in the U.S. on a non-immigrant visa (B-1, H-1, J-1, etc.), students who are living outside the U.S. and who will require an F-1 visa to study in the United States, students who are in the process of applying for Permanent Residency status but have not yet received the Permanent Residency card or students who have been educated outside the U.S.

Learn more about the application process

Transfer students
If you’re already in college but need a change, transferring to Georgia State can provide you with the opportunities you need to succeed — in school and after graduation.

View the details

Students are required to take GEOG 4518 (Digital Cartography), GEOG 4532 (Intro to GIS), GEOG 4534 (Advanced GIS) and then select two more electives from the other GIS-related courses offered (GEOG 4520, 4530, 4536, 4538, 4834, GEOL 4123, CSC 1310, or PMAP 4421). One of these must be completed in the Department of Geosciences.

For more details, see the course catalog.

For general tuition information, check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

This program provides undergraduate students with a solid foundation in GIS geospatial technology.



Geographic Information Science is a rapidly growing discipline with applications in many fields. There is a strong demand for proficient users of geospatial technology in industry, consulting firms and governmental agencies at all levels.


Department of Geosciences
Langdale Hall
Suite 730
38 Peachtree Center Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30303

Phone: 404-413-5750
Fax: 404-413-5768
Email: [email protected]

Mailing address:
Department of Geosciences
P.O. Box 3965
Atlanta, GA 30302

College of Arts & Sciences Lockup25 Park Pl NE #2500
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.