Hands on keyboard of laptop on desk.

What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

The program is designed to be completed in 2 years with thesis option, requiring 30 hours of coursework and 6 thesis hours. With the independent study option, the program can be completed 4-5 semesters, requiring 27 hours of coursework and 3 thesis hours.

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: February 15
  • Spring: November 15
  • Summer: Does Not Admit

English, M.A., Rhetoric and Composition

Director of Graduate Studies
Eddie Christie
[email protected]

We offer the largest Rhetoric & Composition program in the Southeast, with eight specialized faculty members in rhetoric, composition, digital media and communication, writing center theories and pedagogies, and language studies.

Within our distinctive curriculum, students can combine areas of interest across historical periods, current composition studies, rhetorical theory, visual and digital rhetoric, new and emerging media, advanced academic writing, language studies, writing center studies, writing program administration, and professional writing. No other university in Georgia offers these comprehensive graduate academic programs in rhetoric and composition. We provide internship opportunities for graduate students with our department publications, nonprofits, and other Atlanta-based organizations, and we offer mentoring and training in the teaching of writing and writing program leadership.

The Writing Studio is an on-campus tutoring and teaching site serving Georgia State students from all majors and providing our graduate students with an active academic research site where they can pursue theses in writing center strategies and pedagogy. Graduate student staff members have presented conference papers, published articles, book chapters and book reviews, and have received International Writing Center Association Research Grants.

Writing Across the Curriculum is a faculty development program geared toward helping faculty use learner-centered, active pedagogical strategies for developing all students’ writing and communication abilities across the undergraduate curriculum. Its faculty participants have made significant contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Program Details
  • A B.A. in English or a closely related discipline from an accredited college or university with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the undergraduate major;
  • An 8 to 12 page critical writing sample;
  • A statement of academic and professional goals.
  • GRE not required!

For full application and admissions requirements, see the graduate catalog.

Thesis Track

    • Nine hours in history and theory courses;
    • Three hours in research methods;
    • Twelve additional hours of rhetoric and composition courses and strongly related courses;
    • Six hours of electives (may be taken in any related fields of study in English or in other departments)

Independent Study Track

    • Nine hours in history and theory courses;
    • Nine hours of rhetoric and composition or strongly related courses;
    • Three hours Directed Reading in the area of specialization in which Independent Study Project is to be written;
    • Six hours electives (may be taken in related fields of study in English or in other departments and/or Internship(s)

For detailed coursework and degree requirements, see the graduate catalog.

The MA program in Rhetoric and Composition builds upon students’ knowledge and skills developed during their undergraduate program and prepares them for the next step toward pursuing a PhD or a career in the industry. During their Master’s program, students will become acquainted with more rigorous coursework and begin establishing their position as experts in research topics.



Our graduates have gone on to employment in technical writing, digital design, professional communication and middle and secondary education, as well as gaining admission to prestigious doctoral programs around the country.


Director of Graduate Studies
Eddie Christie
[email protected]

Director of Rhetoric and Composition
Baotong Gu
[email protected]

College of Arts & Sciences Lockup25 Park Pl NE #2500
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.