What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

Most full-time students complete the program in 2 years.

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: March 15
  • Spring: October 15
  • Summer: Does not admit

Communication, Communication Studies, M.A.

Graduate Program Director
Dr. Carrie L. Whitney
[email protected]

The M.A. with a concentration in Communication Studies fosters advanced research study in speech communication and mass communication. Our faculty are interested in media portrayals of interpersonal relationships, including those involving older Americans, and examine elements of the mass media from qualitative and social scientific perspectives. Students who enroll in this program can focus their studies on interpersonal communication, international media, journalism, strategic communication and public relations, social media, media effects, or audience studies.

The Department of Communication offers a multidisciplinary program to prepare communication professionals and academicians for the demands of the 21st century. Based on perspectives from rhetoric, public argument, audience research, media studies, global communication, international communication, health communication, strategic communication and new media, Communication Studies explores public discourse and mass-mediated environments to prepare students to investigate how persuasive practices are transforming culture at home and abroad.

Career Outcomes

The Communication Studies master’s program prepares students for a variety of communication-based careers. Students can pursue careers in applied communication settings, like political communication, health communication and corporate communication. Students can also pursue careers in the information industries like journalism, public relations and quantitative media studies.

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Program Details

  • Statement of purpose
  • Academic writing sample (class research paper) recommended
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Resume (assistantship applicants only)
  • Transcripts (one from each institution attended)
  • Official TOEFL/IELTS scores (international applicants only) *

* Institutional code 5251 should be used for reporting TOEFL

It is helpful if at least one of the letters of recommendation is from a former professor who can speak to your past scholarship and aptitude for graduate-level work.

For the statement of purpose, submit a statement which summarizes your research, academic and potential professional interest, and details your intellectual interests as they relate to communication.

You may use the statement to bring information to the attention of faculty reviewers you think is of importance. For example, if your application contains evidence of special strength or weakness, you might choose to address that in your statement. If your undergraduate or graduate transcripts would benefit from additional explanation (for example, if you wish to call to our attention your higher grades in communication-related courses or your record of improvement), it would be appropriate to add that language to this statement.

You should address the question: Why do you wish to pursue studies with the Georgia State Department of Communication? If you are undecided about the particular direction you wish to pursue, do your best to specify the direction you are heading.

The program requires a minimum of 36 hours of coursework.

Research Thesis Option

  • 9 hours of core courses
  • 15 hours minimum of Communication Studies courses
  • 6 hours of Experiential Learning courses
  • 6 credit hours for research thesis
  • A successful research thesis prospectus
  • A successful research thesis defense
  • Milestone exit surveys

Course-intensive Option

  • 9 hours of core courses
  • 18 hours minimum of Communication Studies courses
  • 9 hours of Experiential Learning courses
  • A successful research paper
  • Research skill course**/language proficiency (does not count in 36 credit total)
  • Milestone exit surveys

Visit the catalog for curriculum details.

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

To be considered for a graduate assistantship, you must submit an updated resume to the director of the master's program. Assistantships are for full-time students and provide a tuition waiver and stipend in exchange for work hours. Most graduate assistantships start in the fall semester

The M.A. in Communication Studies can be pursued as an end in it itself for professional career advancement and, given its scholarly research emphasis, is also a stepping stone for pursuing a doctorate, especially for those choosing the thesis track.


Mailing Address and Office Location

Department of Communication
25 Park Place
Suite 800, 8th Floor
Atlanta, GA  30303

Graduate Program Director
Dr. Carrie L. Whitney
[email protected]

College of Arts & Sciences Lockup25 Park Pl NE #2500
Atlanta, GA 30303