Students who began the program in summer 2020 or before must follow the curriculum listed in the course catalog of the year that they entered.
Students who began the program in fall 2020 can either be grandfathered into the curriculum of the 2020-2021 course catalog or choose to follow the new curriculum.
Students who began the program in spring 2021 or after should follow the new curriculum below.
Core: 8-9 Credit Hours
- One quantitative class (3-4 Credit Hours, choose from the followings):
- Biostatistics (BIOL 6744), 3 Credit Hours
- Mathematical Biology (BIOL 6010), 3 Credit Hours
- Fundamental of bioinformatics (BIOL 6640), 4 Credit Hours
- Research design and analysis (BIOL 8041), 4 Credit Hours
- Bioethics and Responsible Conduct of Research, 1 Credit Hour
- Student seminars (Ph.D. students present), 1 Credit Hour x 4
IDP courses: a minimum of 10-12 Credit Hours*
- 8000/6000 level courses per IDP**
Qualifying Exam: 2 Credit Hours
Research: 53 Credit Hours
BIOL 6900 and 7000 level courses are not applicable toward the degree program
** Preliminary IDP, developed by the doctoral student and the Major professor, and approved by the Graduate Director. The qualifying exam committee can require additional classes based on identified areas of deficiencies.
Visit the catalog for curriculum details.