Total credit hours: 36-37 credit hours (38-39 credit hours if deficient in CS background.)
Biology Core: 13 credit hours
- BIOL 6564 – Advanced Genetics- Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Genetics aimed at graduate students (4)
- BIOL 6640 – Fundamentals of Bioinformatics (4)
- BIOL 8710 – Concepts in Molecular Genetics (2)
Foundations in Molecular Biological Techniques
- BIOL 6000 – Life Science Professional Skills (1)
- BIOL 8700 – Biology Graduate Seminar (2)
Biology Elective: 4 credit hours
Select one of the following:
- BIOL 6800 – Principles of Cellular Biology- Cell & Molecular Biology aimed at graduate students (4)
- BIOL 6458 – Microbial Ecology and Metabolism (4)
- BIOL 6400 – Human Genetics (4)
Computer Science Core: 12 credit hours
Students deemed deficient in CS experience may need to take CSC 2720- Data Structures (2)
- DSCI 1301/ CSC7350 – Programming for Bioinformatics (4)
- DSCI 1302/ CSC 7352 – Systems Programming for Bioinformatics (4)
- CSC 6520 – Design & Analysis of Algorithms (4)
CS/Math Elective: 3 to 4 credit hours
Select one of the following:
- CSC 6710 – Database Systems (4)
- CSC 6730 – Data Visualization (4)
- CSC 6740 – Data Mining (4)
- CSC 7351 – Systems Programming for Bioinformatics (3)
- CSC 8540 – Advanced Algorithms in Bioinformatics (4)
- MATH 6544 – Biostatistics (4)
- MATH 6547 – Introduction to Statistical Methods (4)
- MATH 6751 – Mathematical Statistics I (4)
- MATH 6752 – Mathematical Statistics II (3)
- MATH 6435 – Linear Algebra II (3)
- MATH 8535 – Applied Matrix Algebra (3) (MATH 6435 is a prerequisite)
Non-Thesis Capstone: 4 credit hours
- BIOL 6996 – Non-Thesis Capstone Lit Review (4)
- BIOL 6997 – Non-Thesis Capstone Internship (4)
- BIOL 6998 – Non-Thesis Capstone Project (4)