Xiaojun Cao
Professor Director of Graduate Studies Computer Science- Education
B.S., Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, 1996
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1999
Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2004
- Specializations
Optical networks, wireless networks, security
- Biography
Dr. Cao’s group conducts research primarily on architectures, protocols, signaling control, and performance evaluation in optical/wireless networks. One of the research projects is to design multi-granular switching frameworks for the optical backbone and metropolitan networks. The focus is on studying novel techniques and algorithms, which put traffic at where the bandwidth is; groom and group data traffic in multiple layers including the wavelength-division multiplexing layer; and use the individual wave of light to transmit data. In this way, the bandwidth demands from the increasing Internet users and applications can be satisfied while the challenges of the scalability, node size, and complexity of traditional approaches can be addressed.
In another project, Dr. Cao’s group investigates how to design effective survivability techniques for the network. In particular, network protection and restoration studies are critical in the design and operation of the backbone networks due to the huge amount of traffic carried in the lightpath or fiber on any given link. Ideally, the users and applications should see reliable and non-interrupted network services. Hence, transparent, proactive and reactive strategies are designed to take traffic grooming, lightpath grouping, and cross-layer interactions into consideration.
Dr. Cao is also working on the development of a new switching and Internet architecture employing wire and wireless technologies to support trustworthy, scalable services and choice-based applications. The study is aimed at finding highly scalable, reliable, and secure solutions to deploy future Internet so that the Internet can sustain tomorrow’s change and convergence of telecommunications, wired networks, wireless networks, and other technologies.
- Publications
F. Hu and X. Cao, Wireless Sensor Networks: Principles and Practice, Auerbach Publications, 2010 (ISBN-10: 1420092154, ISBN-13: 978-1420092158)
Y. Wang and X. Cao, Distributive waveband assignment in multi-granular optical networks, 24th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2010), Atlanta, April 2010
L. Pan, X. Cao, and H. Wu, Design and modeling a distributed and fair access MAC protocol (DFA) for multihop wireless networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2434–2442, May 2009
X. Cao, J. Joseph, J. Li, and C. Xin, Serialized batch scheduling algorithm for optical burst switching networks, IET Journal of Communications, vol.3, no. 3, pp. 353–362, March 2009
F. Hu , X. Cao, K. Wilhelm, M. Łukowiak, and S. Radziszowski, NTRU-based confidential data transmission In telemedicine sensor networks, in Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, R. Beyah, J. McNair, and C. Corbett (eds.), World Scientific, 2009 (ISBN-13: 978-981-4271-08-0)
X. Cao, V. Anand, and C. Qiao, Waveband switching for dynamic traffic demands in multi-granular optical networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 957–968, 2007
X. Cao, V. Anand, and C. Qiao, Multi-layer versus single-layer optical cross-connect architectures for waveband switching, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom '04, Hong Kong, April 2004, pp. 1830–1840
X. Cao, V. Anand, Y. Xiong, and C. Qiao, A study of waveband switching with multi-layer, multi-granular optical crossconnects, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1081–1095, September 2003
X. Cao, V. Anand, and C. Qiao, Waveband switching in optical networks, IEEE Communications, Lightwave Series, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 105–112, April 2003
X. Cao, V. Anand, Y. Xiong, and C. Qiao, Performance evaluation of wavelength band switching in multi-fiber all-optical networks, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom '03, San Francisco, April 2003, pp. 2251–2261
X. Cao, J. Li, Y. Chen, and C. Qiao, Assembling TCP/IP packets in optical burst switched networks, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom '02, Taiwan, November 2002, pp. 2808–2812