Toivo Asheeke
Assistant Professor Africana Studies- Education
Summer 2018: PhD Sociology, State University of New York - Binghamton
Summer 2014: MA Sociology, State University of New York - Binghamton
December 2010: BA Politics, Earlham College
- Specializations
African and African Diaspora Social Movements
Black Radical Tradition/Azanian Black Nationalist Tradition
Pan-African Political Thought
World-systems Analysis
- Biography
Toivo Asheeke is a scholar-activist whose research interests intersect the disciplines of Historical-Sociology, History, and Africana Studies. He focuses on Southern African Liberation struggle history, Black Power Studies, Haitian Revolution Studies, and Political Economy. His recent book entitled Arming Black Consciousness (forthcoming, 2023), focuses on exploring hidden fronts of South Africa's liberation movement through a focus on the Black Consciousness Movement and its return to armed struggle from 1967-1993. Asheeke is also a committed grassroots social justice activist.
Research Interests
Southern African Liberation Struggle (20th century)
Enslaved African revolts and resistance
Political Economy of Underdevelopment in Africa
Black Radical Tradition
Azanian Black Nationalism
Haitian Revolutionary Studies
- Publications
Toivo Asheeke (2021) ‘Literacy, Armed Struggle and Black Consciousness: The Evolution of NAYO, 1973–1976', South African Historical Journal, 73:2, 515-532,
Toivo Asheeke (2019) 'Black Power and Armed Decolonization in Southern Africa: Stokely Carmichael, the African National Congress of South Africa (ANC-SA), and the African liberation movements, November 1967 – December 1973’, Journal of African American History, 104:2, 415-444,
Toivo Asheeke (2019) 'Arming Black Consciousness’: The Formation of the Bokwe Group/Azanian Peoples’ Liberation Front, April 1972–September 1976,' Journal of Southern African Studies, 45:1, 69-88,
Toivo Asheeke (2018) ‘Lost Opportunities: The African National Congress of South Africa (ANC-SA)’s Evolving Relationship with the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) in Exile, 1970–1979', South African Historical Journal, 70:3, 519-541,