Stuart Allison
Emeritus Professor Chemistry- Education
B.A., University of Montana. 1973;
M.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1976;
Ph.D, University of Washington, 1980;
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oregon, 1980-1982;
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Houston, 1982-1984;
Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, 1984-1990;
Associate Professor, GSU, 1990-2000;
Professor, GSU, 2000-2016;
Associate Chair, Department of Chemistry, GSU, 2011-2016.Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1985-1990.
- Biography
The research of the Allison group has focused on the theory of biomolecular transport that has included diffusion, diffusion controlled reactions, viscosity, electrophoresis, and electrical conductance. Coarse grained computer modeling (Brownian dynamics, analytical and numerical solution of continuum transport equations) has played a major role in this research. In recent years, the focus of this research has been modeling the electrophoresis and electrical conductance of model “nano-ions” in free solution as well as congested media such as a gel. A good example is the electrophoresis of a “soft” particle in a charged or uncharged gel (references 5, 8, and 9 below). This model is particularly relevant, for example, in drug delivery in congested media such as tissue or cells.
A high priority in the Allison laboratory has been to involve undergraduate as well graduate students in research at a level that stands a good chance of resulting in a publication in an internationally recognized peer reviewed journal. This is achieved through weekly group meetings and having the undergraduates work closely as a team with myself and possibly graduate students. Students highlighted in the publication list below are GSU undergraduate or graduate students.
- Publications
Recent Publications (partial list):
1. S. A. Allison, H. Wu, U. Twahir, H. Pei, “Conductivity and Electrophoretic Mobility of Dilute Ionic Solutions,” (Feature Article) J. Colloid Interface Sci. 352 1-10 (2010).
2. H. Wu, U. Twahir, A.N. Davis, E. Duodu, B.B. Kashani, Y.K. Lee, C. Pena, N. Whitley, S.A. Allison, “Rotational Diffusion of Macromolecules and Nanoparticles Modeled as Non Overlapping Bead Arrays in an Effective Medium,” Polymers 3 846-860 (2011).
3. S. A. Allison, “Modeling the Free Solution Electrophoresis of Ions and Macroions,” (invited review article) Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Second Edition, 1-14 (2012).
4. H. Wu, S.A. Allison, C. Perrin, and H. Cottet, “Modeling the Electrophoresis of Highly Charged Peptides: Application to Oligolysines”, J. Sep. Sci., 35 556-562 (2012).
5. F. Lei, S.A. Allison, R.J. Hill, “Nanoparticle Gel Electrophoresis: Soft Spheres in Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Under the Debye-Huckel Approximation,” J. Colloid Interface Sci., 423, 129-142 (2014).
6. S. A. Allison, H. Wu, A. Moyher, L. Soegiarto, B. Truong, D. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, D. Park, “Coarse Grained Modeling of the Titration and Conductance Behavior of Aqueous Fullerene Hexa Malonic Acid (FHMA) Solutions,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 118 3150-3155 (2014).
7. S.A. Allison, H. Wu, T.M. Bui, L. Dang, G.H. Huynh, T. Nguyen, L. Soegiarto, B.C. Truong, “Specific Ion Effects on the Electrophoretic Mobility of Small, Highly Charged Peptides: A Modeling Study,” J. Sep. Sci., 37, 2403-2410 (2014).
8. S.A. Allison, F. Lei, R.J. Hill, “The Electrophoretic Mobility of a Weakly Charged “Soft” Sphere in a Charged Hydrogel: Application of the Lorentz Reciprocal Theorem,” J. Phys. Chem. B., 118, 8827-8838 (2014).
9. S.A. Allison, F. Lei, M. Le, “Electrophoretic mobility of a dilute, highly charged “soft” spherical particle in a charged hydrogel,” J. Phys. Chem. B, (in press Jan. 2016)