Samantha Parks
Principal Lecturer, Biology and Faculty Associate for Non-Tenure Track Faculty Review and Development, College of Arts and Sciences Biology- Education
Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology Microbiology (Biochemistry)
M. Ed Georgia State University Science Education
B.S. Emory University Biology
B.A. Emory University Psychology
- Specializations
Case-Based Active Science Education (CASE) Fellow
HHMI IE3 committee member
GSU High Impact Practices Ambassador
GSU Writing Across the Curriculum Advisory Board
GSU CETL Faculty Fellow (2018-2019)
Senior Editor for the Research Section of the Journal of Molecular & Biology Education
ASM Discipline Based Education Research (DBER) Mentor
ASM Biology Research Residency Scholar Alumnus
- Biography
Dr. Parks’ academic interests are rooted in microbiology and microbial ecology. Specifically, she is interested in how microbial physiology correlates with their niche. Her Ph.D. work was with soil microbes and focused on biodegradation of nitroaromatic compounds.
At GSU, Dr. Parks teaches several different microbiology courses, including a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) focusing on antimicrobial resistance using soil microbes. Such work, done as a CURE lab in the Biology Department, contributes to greater knowledge regarding antimicrobial compounds and their efficacy against locally sourced bacteria.
Dr. Parks conducts educational research investigating STEM identity and literacy, as well as best educational practices to foster student success. Investigations into best educational practices enable progressive change for academic improvement.
Dr. Parks supports pedagogical development through service as a GSU High Impact Practices Ambassador and as a national Case-based Active Science Education Fellow. She is the Senior Editor for the Research section for the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education and enjoys working with authors to communicate their research findings. Dr. Parks also serves as part of the GSU HHMI Inclusive Excellence 3 Program Learning Community Cluster 5 working towards understanding and promoting inclusive pedagogy through faculty development.
- Publications
To see all my publications, visit my Google Scholar page.
- Rholl, D. A., Cheeptham, N., Lal, A., Kleinschmit, A. J., Parks, S. T., & Mestrovic, T. (2023). Making it matter: increasing student-perceived value of microbiology through reflective and critical news story analysis. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 24(1), e00163-22.
- Joyner, J. L., & Parks, S. T. (2023). Scaffolding STEM Literacy assignments to build greater competence in microbiology courses. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 24(1), e00218-22.
- Pike, A., Pandey, S., Goller, C.C., Herzog, J. and Parks S.T. (2022). Opportunities and Challenges of Online Instruction and Effective Pedagogy that Blurs the Lines Between Online and On-site Teaching and Learning. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 23(1), e00047-22.
- Parks, S.T. and Taylor, C. (2022). In Silico Exploration of Metabolic Pathways and Key Enzymes in a Remote-learning Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 23(1), 1, e00318-21.
- Parks, S.T., Joyner, J.L. and M. Nusnbaum (2020). Reaching a large urban undergraduate population through microbial ecology course-based research experiences. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 21(1), 17.
- Parks, S. T. (2015). Microbial Life in a Winogradsky Column: From Lab Course to Diverse Research Experience. Journal of microbiology & biology education, 16(1), 82.