Meredith Henry
Lecturer Psychology- Education
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Science Education, Emory University, 2018-2021
Ph.D., Lifespan Developmental Psychology, University of Alabama at Birminhgam, 2016
M.S., General/Experimental Psychology, Villanova University, 2010
B.A. with University Honors, Samford University, 2007
- Biography
Research Interests
Research on improving undergraduate education and student outcomes has traditionally focused on cognitive factors, those competencies related directly to an individual’s intelligence or knowledge (e.g., problem solving, working memory, etc.) However, a growing body of literature has established the importance of considering non-cognitive factors, those skills and dispositions which are not associated with the development of knowledge or cognitive functioning (e.g., fear of failure, growth mindset, coping style, etc.). By combining content and methods expertise from the fields of psychology, education, and statistics, I work with diverse STEM educators to leverage psychosocial frameworks to both characterize the most effective instructor practices at the collegiate level and to inform classroom activities and interventions which use such noncognitive factors as leverage points to improve instructor and student outcomes.
- Publications
To see all publications see Google Scholar
Dunbar-Wallis, A. & Henry, M. A. How mentors help us learn to fail: Reflections from the family tree (2022). In. L. K. Charkoudian, J. M. Heemstra, & L. A. Corwin (Eds.) Confronting Failure: Approaches to Building Confidence and Resilience in Undergraduate Researchers, Council on Undergraduate Research: Gaithersburg, MD
Henry, M. A., Shorter, S., Charkoudian, L. K., Heemstra, J. M., Le, B., & Corwin, L. A. (2022). Coping Behavior versus Coping Style: Characterizing a measure of coping in undergraduate STEM contexts. International Journal of STEM Education, 9: 17.
Henry, M. A., Shorter, S., Charkoudian, L. K., Heemstra, J. M, Le, B., & Corwin, L. A. (2021). Quantifying fear of failure in STEM: Modifying and evaluating the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) for use with STEM undergraduates. International Journal of STEM Education, 8: 43.
Limeri, L. B., Chen Musgrove, M. M., Henry, M.A., & Schussler, E. (2020). Interventions to motivate engagement in teaching professional development: A proposal to leverage psychosocial intervention research to reform undergraduate teaching practices, CBE-Life Sciences Education, 19(3):es10, 1-12.
Dolan, E. L., Borrero, M., Callis-Duehl, K., Chen, M., de Lima, J., Ero-Tolliver, I, Gerhart, L. M., Goodwin, E. C., Hamilton, L. R., Henry, M. A., Herrera, J., Huot, B., Kiser, S., Ko, M., Kravec, M. E., Lee, M.,
Limeri, L. B., Peffer, M. E., Pires, D., Ramirez Lugo, J. S., Sharp, S. M, & Suarez, N.A. (2020). Undergraduate Biology Education Gordon Research Conference: A meeting report, CBE-Life Sciences Education, 19(2):mr1, 1-8., M.A., Shorter, S., Charkoudian, L., Heemstra, L. M., & Corwin, L. A. (2019). FAIL is not a four-letter word: A theoretical framework for exploring undergraduate students’ approaches to academic challenge and responses to failure in STEM learning environments. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 18(ar11), 1-17).
Fang, K., Henry, M., Sconyers, H., & Goldstein, J. (2008). Effects of perceived religiosity on judgments of social competence toward individuals with mental illness. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 13(4), 191-197.