Jeremy Diem
Professor Geosciences- Education
Ph.D., The University of Arizona, 2000
M.A., The University of Arizona, 1997
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, 1994
- Specializations
Applied climatology, hydroclimatology, human impacts on the environment
- Biography
Dr. Diem’s research focuses primarily on climatology and hydrology, and his main research areas are (1) rainfall in western Uganda;; (2) precipitation in the southeastern United States; and (3) urban effects on the environment. Dr. Diem has published his research in Ambio, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Applied Geography, Atmospheric Environment, Climatic Change, Climate Research, Environmental Management, Environmental Pollution, Geophysical Research Letters, Hydrological Processes, International Journal of Climatology, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Journal of Climate, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Physical Geography, PLOS ONE, Population and Environment, Regional Environmental Change, Science of the Total Environment, Southeastern Geographer, The Professional Geographer, Water Resources Research, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, and Weather , Climate, and Society.
His research has been supported by grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dr. Diem is also the developer of the Climate Literacy Labs
Dr. Diem has taught the following courses:
- Geography 1112 (Introduction to Weather and Climate)
- Geography 4520/6520 (Quantitative Spatial Analysis)
- Geography 4530/6530 (Introduction to Remote Sensing)
- Geography 4642/6642 (Advanced Weather and Climate)
- Geography 4830/6830 (Global Climate Change)
- Geography 8048 (Seminar in Climatology)
- Geography 8050 (Seminar in Environmental Issues)
- Geosciences 4830 (Senior Seminar)
- Geosciences 8002 (Research Methods)
- Publications
49. Salerno, J., K. Bailey, J. Diem, B. Konecky, R. Bridges, S. Namusis, R. Bitariho, M. Palace, J. Hartter. 2022. Smallholder knowledge of local climate conditions predicts positive on-farm outcomes. Weather, Climate, and Society, in press.
48. Pangle, L.A., J.E. Diem, R. Milligan, E. Adams, A. Murray. 2022. Contextualizing inflow and infiltration within the streamflow regime of urban watersheds. Water Resources Research.
47. Ageet, S., A.H. Fink, M. Maranan, J.E. Diem, J. Hartter, A.L. Ssalid, P. Ayabagaboe. 2021. Validation of satellite rainfall estimates over equatorial East Africa. Journal of Hydrometeorology.
46. Diem, J.E., L.A. Pangle, R.A. Milligan, E.A. Adams. 2021. Intra-annual variability of urban effects on streamflow. Hydrological Processes, 35.
45. Diem, J.E., J. Salerno, M.W. Palace, K. Bailey, J. Hartter. 2021. Teleconnections between rainfall in equatorial Africa and tropical sea-surface temperatures: A focus on western Uganda. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60:967-979.
44. Diem, J.E., H.S. Sung*, B.L. Konecky, M.W. Palace, J. Salerno, J. Hartter. 2019. Rainfall characteristics and trends – and the role of Congo westerlies – in the western Uganda transition zone of equatorial Africa from 1983 to 2017. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 124:10712-10729.
43. Dai, D., F.B. Neal, J. Diem, D.M. Deocampo, C.E. Stauber, T.A. Dignam. 2019. Confluent impact of housing and geology on indoor radon concentrations in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Science of the Total Environment 668:500-511.
42. Diem, J.E., B.E Konecky, J. Salerno, J. Hartter. 2019. Is equatorial Africa getting wetter or drier? Insights from an evaluation of long-term, satellite-based rainfall estimates for western Uganda. International Journal of Climatology, forthcoming.
41. Salerno, J., J.E. Diem, B.E Konecky, J. Hartter. 2019. Recent intensification of the seasonal rainfall cycle in equatorial Africa revealed by farmer perceptions, satellite-based estimates, and ground-based station measurements. Climatic Change,
40. Salerno, J. C.A. Chapman, J.E. Diem, N. Dowhaniuk, A. Goldman, C.A. MacKenzie, P.A. Omeja, M.W. Palace, R. Reyna-Hurtado, S.J. Ryan, J. Hartter. 2018. Park isolation in anthropogenic landscapes: Land change and livelihoods at park boundaries in the African Albertine Rift. Regional Environmental Change, 18:913-928.
39. Diem, J.E., T.C. Hill, R.A. Milligan. 2018. Diverse multi-decadal changes in streamflow within a rapidly urbanizing region. Journal of Hydrology 556:61-71.
38. Berens, A.S., J.E. Diem, C.E. Stauber, D. Dai, S. Foster, R. Rothenberg. 2017. The use of gamma-survey measurements to better understand radon potential in urban area. Science of the Total Environment 607-608:888-899.
37. Diem, J.E., C.E. Stauber, R. Rothenberg. 2017. Heat in the southeastern United States: characteristics, trends, and potential health impact. PLOS One 12(5):e0177937.
36. Diem, J.E., J. Hartter, J.D. Salerno, E. McIntyre, and A.S. Grandy. 2017. Comparison of measured multi-decadal rainfall variability with farmers’ perceptions of and responses to seasonal changes in western Uganda. Regional Environmental Change 17:127–1140.
35. Stauber, C., D. Dai, S. Chan, J. Diem, S. Weaver, and R. Rothenberg. 2017. A pilot study to examine exposure to residential radon in under sampled census tracts of DeKalb County, Georgia in 2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14:DOI:10.3390/ijerph14030332.
34. Ryan, S.J., M. Palace, J. Hartter, J.E. Diem, C.A. Chapman, and J. Southworth. 2017. Population pressure and global markets drive a decade of forest cover change in Africa’s Albertine Rift. Applied Geography 81:52–59.
33. Hartter, J., N. Dowhaniuk, C.A. MacKenzie, S.J. Ryan, J.E. Diem, M.W. Palace, and C.A. Chapman. 2016. Perceptions of risk in communities near parks in an African biodiversity hotspot. Ambio 45:692-705.
32. Hartter, J., S.J. Ryan, C.A. MacKenzie, A. Goldman, N. Dowhaniuk, M. Palace, J.E. Diem, and C.A. Chapman. 2015. Now there is no land: A story of ethnic migration in a protected area landscape in western Uganda. Population and Environment, 36:452–479.
31. Ryan, S.J., J. Southworth, J. Hartter, N. Dowhaniuk, R. Fuda, and J.E. Diem. 2015. Household level influences on fragmentation in an African park landscape. Applied Geography, 58:18–31.
30. Diem, J.E., S.J. Ryan, J. Hartter, and M.W. Palace 2014. Satellite-based rainfall data reveal a recent drying trend in central equatorial Africa. Climatic Change 126:263–272.
29. Diem, J.E., J. Hartter, S.J. Ryan, and M.W. Palace 2014. Validation of satellite rainfall products for western Uganda. Journal of Hydrometeorology 15:2030–2038.
28. Diem, J.E. 2013. The 1970 Clean Air Act and termination of rainfall suppression in a U.S. urban area. Atmospheric Environment, 75:141-146.
27. Diem, J.E. 2013. Response to comments on "Influences of the Bermuda High and atmospheric moistening on changes in summer rainfall in the Atlanta, Georgia region, USA."International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3654.
26. Diem, J.E., D.P. Brown, Jeremy, and J. McCann. 2012. Multi-decadal changes in the North American monsoon anticyclone. International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.3576.
25. Diem, J.E. 2013. Comments on "Changes to the North Atlantic Subtropical High and Its Role in the Intensification of Summer Rainfall Variability in the Southeastern United States." Journal of Climate, 26:679-682.
24. Diem, J.E., 2013. Influences of the Bermuda High and atmospheric moistening on changes in summer rainfall in the Atlanta, Georgia USA region. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3421.
23. Diem, J.E., M.A. Hursey, I.R. Morris, A.C. Murray, and R.A. Rodriguez. 2010. Upper-level atmospheric circulation patterns and ground-level ozone in the Atlanta metropolitan area.Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49:2185–2196.
22. Diem, J.E. 2009. Atmospheric characteristics conducive to high-ozone days in the Atlanta metropolitan area. Atmospheric Environment 43:3902-3909.
21. Diem, J.E. and D.P. Brown. 2009. Relationships among monsoon-season circulation patterns, gulf surges, and rainfall within the Lower Colorado River Basin, USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 97:373–383.
20. Diem, J.E., and D.M. Styers. 2008. Ozone exposure and potential for vegetation injury within the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area. Southeastern Geographer 48:172–183.
19. Diem, J.E. 2008. Detecting summer rainfall enhancement within metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia USA. International Journal of Climatology 28:129–133.
18. Diem, J.E., and D.P. Brown. 2006. Tropospheric moisture and monsoonal rainfall over the southwestern United States. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, D16112, doi:10.1029/2005JD006836.
17. Diem, J. E. 2006. Anomalous monsoonal activity in central Arizona, USA. Geophysical Research Letters 33, L16706, doi:10.1029/2006GL027259.
16. Diem, J.E., C.R. Ricketts, and J.R. Dean. 2006. Impacts of urbanization on land-atmosphere carbon exchange within a metropolitan area in the USA. Climate Research 30:201–213.
15. Diem, J.E. 2006. Synoptic-scale controls of summer precipitation in the southeastern United States. Journal of Climate 19:613–621.
14. Diem, J.E. 2005. Northward extension of intense monsoonal activity into the southwestern United States. Geophysical Research Letters 32:Art.No.L14702.
13. Diem, J.E., and T.L. Mote. 2005. Inter-epochal changes in summer precipitation in the southeastern United States: Evidence of possible urban effects near Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of Applied Meteorology 44:717–730.
12. Diem, J.E. 2004. Explanations for the spring peak in ground-level ozone in the southwestern United States. Physical Geography 25:105-129.
11. Diem, J.E., L.B. Coleman, P.A. DiGirolamo, C.W. Gowens, N.R. Hayden, E.E. Unger, G.B. Wetta, and H.A. Williams. 2004. Comments on "Rainfall modification by major urban areas: Observations from spaceborne rain radar on the TRMM satellite." Journal of Applied Meteorology 43:941–950.
10. Diem, J.E., and D.P. Brown. 2003. Anthropogenic impacts on summer precipitation in central Arizona, USA. The Professional Geographer 55:343–355.
9. Diem, J.E. 2003. A critical examination of ozone mapping from a spatial-scale perspective.Environmental Pollution 125:369-383.
8. Diem, J.E. 2003. Potential impact of ozone on coniferous forests of the interior southwestern United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 93:265–280.
7. Diem, J.E. 2002. Remote assessment of forest health in southern Arizona, USA: Evidence for ozone-induced foliar injury. Environmental Management 29:373–384.
6. Diem, J.E., and A.C. Comrie. 2002. Predictive mapping of air pollution involving sparse spatial observations. Environmental Pollution 119:99–117.
5. Diem, J.E., and A.C. Comrie. 2001. Allocating anthropogenic pollutant emissions over space: Application to ozone pollution management. Journal of Environmental Management 63:425–447.
4. Diem, J.E., and A.C. Comrie. 2001. Air quality, climate, and policy: A case study of ozone pollution in Tucson, Arizona. The Professional Geographer 53:469–491.
3. Diem, J.E., and A.C. Comrie. 2000. Integrating remote sensing and local vegetation information for a high-resolution biogenic emissions inventory - application to an urbanized, semi-arid region. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 50:1968–1979.
2. Diem, J.E. 2000. Comparisons of weekday-weekend ozone: Importance of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in the semi-arid southwest USA. Atmospheric Environment 34:3445–3451.
1. Comrie, A.C., and J.E. Diem. 1999. Climatological analysis and forecast modeling of carbon monoxide concentrations in Phoenix, Arizona. Atmospheric Environment 33:5023–5036.