Heying Jenny Zhan
Associate Professor Gerontology, Sociology- Education
Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2000
- Specializations
Sociology, Social Gerontology, Comparative Social Policies, Family and Intergenerational Relations
- Biography
Research and Teaching Interests
Dr. Zhan, H.J. has been actively involved in long term care research in China and about Chinese and Asian Americans in the U.S. in the last two decades. She was a Fulbright Research Fellow twice conducting research in China regarding long term care. She was also the key researcher to operationalize the research on recent developments in institutional long term care in China funded by NIA-Fogarty International Research Grant. Her research about Asian American seniors was funded by Casey Foundation in 2004. Dr. Zhan has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and is a widely cited international scholar.
- Publications
- Wang, Penggang, H.J. Zhan, Jing Liu, and Patricia Barrett. (2021 Forthcoming). “Does the One-child Generation Want More Than One Child at Their Fertility Age? --Understanding the Factors Influencing Chinese Women’s Fertility Intention Two Years After the Implementation of the Universal Two-child Policy” in Family Relations.
- Zhan, H. J., Q. Wang, J. Liu, and X. Yang (2021) “Can Eldercare facilities be my home? —Understanding factors influencing long term care facility residents’ life satisfaction in China” a book chapter in Societies and Aging Series, Routledge Press. https://www.routledge.com/Society-and-Aging-Series/book-series/SAS
- Qiu, F. X., H.J. Zhan, J. Liu, and P.M. Barrett. (2020). Downward Transfer of Support and Care: Understanding the Cultural Lag in Rural China. in Aging and Society. Cambridge University Press, UK. Manuscript DOI: S0144686X2000152X. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ageing-and-society/firstview.
- Qi Wang and H. J. Zhan (2019). The Making of a Home in the Foreign Land Understanding the Process of Settlement among Immigrant Chinese Elders in the U.S.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2019.1673706.
DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1673706. - Huacen Xu, H.J. Zhan, & L. Fannin, C. James. & Y. Yin, (2018). Double Bind in business loan—Gendered difference in loan access and default. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJGE-08-2017-0048.
- Xu, H.B., H. J. Zhan, & L. D. Fanin (2017). The impact of market economy on individuals’ financial behavior. International Journal of Business and Social Science 8 (4): 1-13).
- Zhan, H. J., Q. Wang, Z Fawcett, X. Li, & X. Y. Fan (2017). Finding a sense of home across the pacific in old age— Chinese American senior's report of life satisfaction in a foreign land, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. 32 (31-55). DOI: 10.1007/s10823-016-9304-2.
- Wang, Q., H. J. Zhan, & X.Y. Fan (2017) Chinese elders’ choice of institutional care—a qualitative research. Population and Society. 33 (73-82) [in Chinese].