Éric Le Calvez
Professor World Languages & Cultures- Education
Doctorate, Université de Paris-III Sorbonne Nouvelle
- Specializations
- Biography
Nineteenth-Century novel, narratology, genetic criticism, poetics, semiotics, and intertextuality. He is the author of many articles on the topic, which have been published in Europe, Japan, and the United States.
- Publications
- Forthcoming: Flaubert et le scandale
- La Méthode est trouvée. Madame Bovary (2021)
- Bouvard et Pécuchet et l’agriculture (2019)
- Flaubert voyageur (2019)
- Dictionnaire Gustave Flaubert (2017)
- Genèses flaubertiennes (2009)
- Gustave Flaubert. Un Monde de livres (2006)
- Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 301: Gustave Flaubert (2004)
- La Production du descriptif (2002)
- Flaubert topographe: L’Éducation sentimentale (1997)
- Texte(s) et Intertexte(s) (1997)
- Flaubert Bouvard et Pécuchet (1994)