Daniel P. Franklin
Emeritus, Associate Professor Political Science- Education
Ph.D. Texas 1984
- Specializations
American Politics: American Chief Executives, Film and Politics, Georgia State Politics, Budgeting and the Legislative Process
- Biography
Daniel Franklin is an Associate Professor Emeritus. His areas of specialization are American Chief Executives, Film and Politics, Georgia State Politics, Budgeting, and the Legislative Process. He is a former Director of the Georgia Legislative Internship Program and a former Distinguished Honors Professor. He is the author of seven books, numerous articles and reviews. His latest book on The Politics of Presidential Impeachment (with Robert Caress, Robert Sanders and Cole Tarratoot) was published in 2021 by the SUNY University Press and was included in SUNY’s American Constitutionalism Series. Franklin is a frequent commentator on the Scripps News Network and is currently a Doorkeeper for the Georgia State Senate.
- Publications
The Politics of Impeachment (with Robert Caress, Cole Tarratoot and Robert Sanders), (In production at the SUNY Press), To be included in The American Constitutionalism Series edited by Robert Spitzer.
Politics and Film: Political Culture and Film in the United States, 2nd Edition, (Rowman and Littlefield Press, July 2016).
Pitiful Giants: Presidents in their Final Term (Palgrave MacMillian, Press, October 2014).
(With Joe Weinberg and Jason Reifler) “Teaching Writing and Critical Thinking in Large Political Science Classes.” In The Journal of Political Science Education May 2014; 10#2:155-165.
(With Sean Richey and Ryan Yonk) “Battlegrounds and Budgets: State-Level Evidence of Budget Manipulation in Competitive Presidential Election States.” In State and Local Government Review June 2013; 45:108-115.
Politics and Film: Political Culture and Film in the United States (Rowman and Littlefield, 2006).
"The Presidency and the Politics of the Royal Court," in Presidential Frontiers: Unexplored Issues in White House Politics edited by Ryan J. Barilleaux. Greenwood Press: Westport, Conn. 1998.
"The Impact of Motor Voter Legislation: Turnout, Registration, and Partisan Trends" with Eric Grier, in American Politics Quarterly, 25 (January 1997): 104-117.