Dajun Dai
Professor Geosciences- Education
Ph.D. Southern Illinois University, Illinois
M.S. Peking University, Beijing, China
B.E. Jilin University, Changchun, China
- Specializations
Research interests: Geographic Information Sciences (GIS); urban studies (transportation, urban health, etc.); socioeconomic studies (racial segregation, disparities, etc.).
Current research directions: (1) quantitative methods (artificial intelligence and statistical methods) in GIS. (2) transportation studies in Metro Atlanta. (3) urban poverty and justice. (4) spatial accessibility to healthy food, health care, and spatial epidemiology.
- Biography
Core Faculty Member, Partnership for Urban Health Research, School of Public Health, GSU
Affiliated Faculty Member, Emory Center for Injury Control, Emory University.
Current Courses: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4532/6532); Advanced GIS (4534/6534); GIS Programming (4536/6536), and Urban GIS (4538/6538); Online GIS (Summer semesters)
Recent Funded Research
AU/GSU Seed Award Program for Collaborative Clinical & Translational Research, "Geographical Disparities in Healthcare Access and Living Conditions on Mental and Cardiovascular Health: Longitudinal Analyses in the Central Savannah River Area", $50,000, 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022. Status: P.I. (MPI)
United States Geological Survey, “Geological mapping and 3D visualization of Southern Half of Chamblee Quadrangle, Georgia”, $49,943, 8/1/2021 – 7/31/2022. Status: P.I.
National Science Foundation, “SitS: A Novel Large-Scale Radon Measurement Wireless Testbed for Spatio-Temporal Study of Radon in Surficial Soil”, $1,198,002. 2021 – 2024. Status: co-P.I. (with PI A. Ashok, Co-P.I. Deocampo and Kabengi).
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “REMOVE: a community-based approach to advance environmental justice and health”, $359,000, 9/15/2020 – 9/14/2023. Status: P.I.
United States Geological Survey, “Geological mapping and 3D visualization of Northern Half of Chamblee Quadrangle, Georgia”, $35,042, 8/2020 – 7/2021. Status: P.I.
The Spencer Foundation via Elmhurst College in Illinois, “Mapping race zones in southern cities”, $3,000, 6/2020 – 8/2020. Status: P.I.
Literacy for All, “Mapping adult basic and adult secondary education: supply and demand in Georgia”, $20,168, 2019 - 2020. Status: co-P.I. (with P.I. Feinberg).
Food Well Alliance of Atlanta, “Mapping Atlanta’s Local Food Network”, $35,000, 8/2018-12/2018. Status: co-P.I. ( With PI J. Nijman and collaborators JL Trask & DM Iwaniec)
Food Well Alliance, “Mapping Atlanta Local Foodscape”, $12,400, 2017-2018. Status: co-P.I. (With PI J. Nijman and collaborators JL Trask & DM Iwaniec).
Association of American Geographers/National Science Foundation, “Geography for economic development in regionalization and globalization”, $1,500, 2/2016-8/2016. Status: P.I.
National Institutes of Health, “Racial/ethnic disparities in radon screening and exposure in DeKalb County”, $147,960, 9/2014-9/2016. Status: P.I./Project Lead (with 5 Co-I.)
National Institutes of Health, “Developing an urban thermal vulnerability index for Atlanta”, $147,922, 9/2014-9/2016. Status: Co-I (PI: Rothenberg).
World Health Organization, “Urban Heath Index Megacity Comparison”, $50,000, 7/2014 – 5/2015. Status: P.I. with multi-P.I. C. Stauber and 3 others).
World Health Organization, “Development of an Urban Health Index Toolkit”, $25,000, 12/2013 – 6/2014, Co-I. (With PI S. Weaver and 4 others).
Emory Center for Injury Control, “Influence of the built environment on pedestrian-vehicle crashes in DeKalb County”, $1,000, 6-8/2012. Status: Advisor of student P.I. (D. Jaworski).
National Institutes of Health, “Empirically testing network sampling strategies in unbounded risk populations”, $2,283,087, 4/2012 – 3/2016. Status: Consultant.
World Health Organization, “Development of a prototype of a global urban health index”, $10,000, 8/2011-7/2012. Status: Co-I. (with PI R. Rothenberg, Co-I. S. Weaver & C. Stauber)
National Institutes of Health, “Establish Environmental Health Disparities Core in Center of Excellence”, $724,509, 9/2011-8/2015. Status: Co-I. (with PI M. Eriksen and 6 others)
National Institutes of Health, “P20: Center of Excellence on Health Disparities”, $6.7 million, 12/2011-11/2015. Status: research core member (with PI M. Eriksen)
US Department of Homeland Security, “Development of undergraduate interdisciplinary curriculum for Homeland Security STEM field”, $200,000. 2008-2009. Co-I. (with PI. Kuljaca).
- Publications
Dai, D., Wang, R. 2020. Space-time surveillance of negative emotions after consecutive terrorist attacks in London. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4000. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/11/4000
2019. Dai, D., Neal, F.B., Diem, J., Deocampo, D.M., Stauber, C., Dignam, T.A. Confluent impact of housing and geology on indoor radon concentrations in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Science of the Total Environment, 668: 500-511.
2017. Dai, D., Rothenberg, R., Luo, R., Weaver, S., and Stauber, C. Improvement of geographic disparities: amelioration or displacement? Journal of Urban Health, 94(3): 417-428.
2017. Wang, P., Lin, X.*, and Dai, D (corresponding author). Spatiotemporal agglomeration of real-estate industry in Guangzhou, China. Sustainability, 9, 1445; doi:10.3390/su9081445.
2017. Rothenberg, R., Dai, D., Adams, M.A., Heath, J.W. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus endemic: maintaining disease transmission in at-risk urban areas. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 44(2): 71-78.
2016. Dai, D., Jaworski D*. Influence of built environment on pedestrian crashes: A network-based GIS analysis. Applied Geography, 73: 53-61.
2016. Weimann, A., Dai, D., Oni, T. A cross-sectional and spatial analysis of the prevalence of multimorbidity and its association with socioeconomic disadvantage in South Africa: A comparison between 2008 and 2012. Social Science and Medicine, 163: 144-156.
2015. Rothenberg R., Weaver, S., Stauber C., Dai D., Prasad A., Kano M. Urban health indicators and indices: Current status. BMC Public Health, 15: 494.
2014. Rothenberg R., Weaver, S., Dai D., Stauber C., Prasad A., Kano M. A flexible urban health index for small area disparities. Journal of Urban Health, 91(5): 823-825.
2013. Dai D., Zhang Y.*, Lynch CA, Miller T., Shakir, M. Childhood drowning in Georgia: a Geographic Information Systems analysis. Applied Geography, 37: 11-22.
2012. Dai D, Chen Y-S, Chen P-S, Chen Y-L. Case cluster shifting and contaminant source as determinants of melioidosis in Taiwan. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 17(8): 1005-1013.
2012. Dai D. Identifying clusters and risk factors of injuries in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in a GIS environment. Journal of Transport Geography, 24: 206-214.
2011. Dai D. Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in urban green space accessibility: where to intervene? Landscape and Urban Planning, 102(4): 234-244.
2011. Dai D, Wang F. Geographic disparities in accessibility to food stores in Southwest Mississippi. Environment and Planning B, Planning and Design, 38(4): 659 - 677.
2011. Lynch, CA, Houry, DE, Dai, D. Wright, DW. Evidence-based community consultation for traumatic brain injury. Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(9): 972-976.
2010. Dai D. Black residential segregation, disparities in spatial access to health care facilities, and late-stage breast cancer diagnosis in metropolitan Detroit. Health and Place, 16(5): 1038-1052.
2010. Dai D, Taquechel ET*, Steward J, Strasser S. The impact of built environment on pedestrian crashes and the identification of crash clusters on an urban university campus. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 11(3): 294-301.
2008. Dai D, Oyana TJ. Spatial variations in the incidence of breast cancer and potential risks associated with soil dioxin contamination in Midland, Saginaw, and Bay Counties, Michigan, USA. Environmental Health. 7:49.
Completed Theses
Margaret Boateng (2019). A disparity analysis of health determinants and outcomes in 500 cities in the United States.
Ruixue Wang (2018). Spatial variation in emotional responses after terrorist attacks in London in 2017. Currently Ph.D. student at Center for Geospatial Analytics in North Carolina State University.
Freddy Neal (2016). Geographic variation of radon gas concentrations in relationship to housing characteristics in DeKalb County, Georgia. Currently GIS Industries.
Yingzhi Zhang (2014). Understanding the influence of participants’ preferences on the affiliation network of churches using agent based modeling. Currently GIS Industries.
Derek Jaworski, Geosciences (2012). Determining the influence of the built environment on pedestrian-vehicle crashes in DeKalb County, Georgia using Geographic Information Systems. Currently GIS Industries.
Laura Joseph (2011). Park accessibility in Atlanta. Currently GIS Industries.
Amy Moore (2011). Spatiotemporal analyses of child pedestrian-vehicle incidents occurring during school-commuting hours in Metro Atlanta from 2000 to 2007. Ph.D. in Georgia Tech and currently Research Associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.