Carmen Eilertson
Principal Senior Lecturer, Director, Masters in Biology Medical Science Concentration, Director, Undergraduate Premed/Prehealth Concentration Biology- Education
1993-1996 Emory University School of Medicine, NIH Postoctoral Fellow
1991-1993 North Dakota State University,Ph.D. Zoology/Endocrinology
1989-1991 North Dakota State University, M.S. Zoology/Endocrinology
1983-1988 North Dakota State University, B.S. Microbiology
- Specializations
Biol 4980/4930/6930 Orthopedic and Osteopathic Medicine (7 semesters)
Biol 3240/7240 Applied Medical Physiology (50 semesters) with Honors section
Biol 2250/3250/7250 Human Physiology Lab (restructured and implemented) (46 semesters)
Biol 4686/6686 Pathophysiology (developed and implemented) (11 semesters) with Honors section
Biol 4685/6685 Functional Histology (developed and implemented) (12 semesters)
Biol 4687/6687: Surgical Anatomy (developed and implemented-21 semesters) with Honors section
Biol 4916/6916 Clinical Internships at Atlanta Medical Center (developed and implemented - 22 semesters)
Biol 4916/6916 Study Abroad Clinical Internship, Attikon Hospital, Athens Greece, December 2017, May 2018, 2019
Biol 8800 Mentor MBMS capstone project papers/journals
Biol 8800 Master’s Non-thesis Research
Biol 3800/7800 Cell and Molecular Biology (26 semesters)
Biol 1120 Anatomy and Physiology II (3 semesters)
Biol 2020/3020 Basic Biology and lab for Education majors. (5 semesters)
Biol 4910 Undergraduate Research, 49 students mentored.
Biol 2240 Human Physiology (5 semesters)
Biol 4905 Lab Techniques Course (developed and implemented)-transformations/transfections/cell culture/cryosectioning (2 semesters)
Biol 4905 Histological Techniques (developed and implemented)-all aspects of tissue processing and photography.
Biol 7802 Graduate Teaching Assistant Training short course (co-developed and implemented)
Biol 4999/6999 Directed Readings 30 credit hours
Biol 1108 Non majors Biology (2 semesters)
Biol 2108 Majors Introductory Biology (8 semesters)
- Biography
Prior research in metabolic physiology, stem cell differentiation, and transgenics. Director of Research and Director of Operations for two biotech companies in the Atlanta area. Recent focus on developing a premedical education track and courses relevant to first year of medical school. College of Arts and Sciences Premedical Committee, Biology Premed Advisor, Co-Director Masters in Biology Medical Science, Co-Advisor for GSU American Medical Student Association, Board Member of Atlanta Medical Center’s Research Education Foundation, consultant to several Atlanta biotech companies, Coordinator for Histology, Gross Anatomy, Physiology Labs. Perpetually tired and fatigued.
Recent Awards and Grants: College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teacher 2016, Tech Fee Award, 2015, 2016 Digital Champion Fellow Award, RPG grant recipient 2009-current.
- Publications