Welcome to graduate study in the College of Arts & Sciences at Georgia State University. The following will assist you in the enrollment process.
New Graduate Student Orientation & Registration Events
Each fall and spring semester, the Office of Graduate Services will host orientation activities, including New Student Registration Events. These drop-in events provide guided assistance with enrollment tasks and the opportunity to connect with fellow new students. For drop-in dates and times, visit
Each fall, the new student registration events are paired with a day-long university orientation for all incoming graduate students. This exciting and instructive event will include panel discussions, information sessions, and a resource fair hosted by the Associate Provost for Graduate Programs office. All new students are encouraged to attend the university orientation in addition to any program specific orientation your department may hold.
The Graduate Director for your program is the point of contact for advisement on matters related to graduate study, such as course selection, enrollment requirements, assistantships, etc. For information on degree/program requirements and academic and administrative policies please consult the Graduate Catalog.
Assistantships and Financial Aid
Graduate students may be eligible for assistantships and financial aid to help finance the cost of graduate study and related expenses. Individual departments award Graduate Research Assistantships and Graduate Teaching Assistantships to qualified students. Assistantships include an annual stipend and a tuition waiver. Please contact your Graduate Director for information and requirements. Students interested in federal student aid should visit the Financial Aid page.
Final Proof of Degree
If you have not already done so, you are required to turn in a final transcript showing proof of earned degree from your graduating institution (unless Georgia State University). Registration for classes will not be allowed until proof of an earned baccalaureate degree is submitted to the Office of Admissions: Graduate Programs.
Official Transcripts
Your admission is contingent upon submitting official copies of transcripts from each and every post-secondary school you have attended, regardless of length of time (except Georgia State University or Georgia Perimeter College). If you have been admitted to GSU and official transcripts have not been received by the first day of classes, a registration hold will be placed on your account. This hold will prevent you from progressing beyond the first semester until all official transcripts have been received. Please contact the Office of Admissions: Graduate Programs you have any questions.
Health Insurance
Students in the University System of Georgia have access to affordable, high quality health coverage through United Healthcare thanks to the Board of Regents’ decision to develop a state-wide health insurance consortium. Certain individuals are required to enroll in the Mandatory Plan, these are:
1. International students holding “F” or “J” visa status
2. Graduate students receiving qualified Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships, or Training Grants
If you already have comparable coverage you can request to waive the insurance requirement. For enrollment periods, insurance premiums, waiver information and premium contributions please visit the Student Health Insurance website at
PAWS – Getting Connected
PAWS or Panther Access to Web Services is your online connection to Georgia State University resources and information. In this single location you can register for classes, view academic records, pay tuition and fees, update personal information, apply for on-campus housing, check out news/events and much more. PAWS also allows you to customize your view, meaning you can design your layout with access to the channels of your choice; your GSU, your way.
Prior to logging into PAWS you will need to activate your CampusID and create a password. Follow the instructions below:
1. Go to
2. Click “Activate your CampusID”
3. Enter your name, date of birth and Panther ID Number
4. Find your CampusID and create a password
5. Login to PAWS with your CampusID and password at:
The PantherCard is the official Georgia State University identification card. It is used for library privileges, after hour access and as a debit card for PantherMeals and PantherCash. To obtain a PantherCard and sign up for PantherMeals or PantherCash please visit Auxiliary and Support Services in the Bookstore Building upon your arrival.
PantherMail or student email can be setup through this link.
Emergency Contact
Emergency contact information is required for all students. You can easily provide this information via your PAWS account. To ensure compliance a registration hold has been placed on your student record and will be automatically released once you have provided this information.
Proof of immunization must be submitted to the Georgia State University Health Services prior to registration for classes. You may receive the vaccines from your local health department, private physician or Georgia State University Health Services. There is a fee at all locations for the vaccines. For more information, please visit the University Health Services page.
Housing and Relocation
University Housing provides quality on-campus housing to enhance the personal growth and development of students. Within modern, safe, and secure facilities are opportunities for intellectual and social engagement, as well as purposeful interactions between residents and staff. Visit the University Housing web site for options and rates.
Students relocating to the metro Atlanta area should also review the Graduate Relocation Guide for information on the city, where to live, transportation, campus life, daycare, and k-12 school districts. The guide also features an interactive budget worksheet for calculating your moving and monthly expenses.
Downtown Atlanta
Downtown Atlanta, or the heart of metro Atlanta, is a fusion of arts, culture and history, dining, sports, major attractions, and living. For more information on life in downtown Atlanta, please visit, which also includes interactive maps and neighborhood profiles.
Contact Us
CAS Graduate Services
In Person:
25 Park Place, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30303
8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Phone: 404-413-5040
Fax: 404-413-5036
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address
College of Arts & Sciences
P.O. Box 3993
Atlanta, GA 30302-39937
The Graduate School
In Person:
The Graduate School
55 Park Place, Suite 308
Atlanta, GA 30303
8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Phone: 404-413-2444
Email: [email protected]
Contact us for information on the application process. Program-specific inquiries should be directed to your college, school or institute of interest.