The college provides many resources for program directors of faculty-led Spring Break, Maymester/Summer study abroad and exchange programs.
Prior to initiating a study abroad program or a partnership agreement with an institution abroad, all college faculty may meet first with CAS International Programs Director, Eric Friginal - [email protected] . Eric will help you through the many considerations when collaborating with a university overseas.
Below are relevant sample forms that can help you in your preparation to initiate a program:
Sending Students Abroad
Guidelines and Procedures for Spring Break Study Abroad Proposals
1. Overall program cost must be under $3,000 per student
2. Arts and Sciences faculty members who have not yet run a program may be eligible for $1,000 in site visit funding from the Study Abroad Office and up to $1,000 from the College. Site visits enable potential Program Directors to look into all logistics of the program including cost of living, local transportation, living accommodations, etc. To initiate the site visit process, please contact Eric Friginal.
3. The potential Program Director will need to submit a completed program proposal. This form can be obtained only by meeting with Eric Friginal or Stephen Murray, Office of International Initiatives (OII) Study Abroad Program Director. A completed program proposal will include the following two documents: a syllabus and credit-hour calculation worksheet (the proposed program must feature a minimum of 37.5 contact hours). Samples of both documents are available on this website under Faculty Resources.
4. There is typically $1,000 available in scholarship funding for GSU students. The College may offer additional support.
Hosting Students or Scholars
- Details on Student Exchange Programs
- Information about J-1 Exchange Student Admission
- Hosting a Visiting Scholar
College Policies
Who can direct a study abroad program?
For those interested in directing a study abroad program, the essential information is provided below:
A study abroad program director must be a member of the University faculty qualified to be the instructor of record for courses they will teach abroad if any. Leading a study abroad program involves making important decisions on behalf of the institution involving participant safety, crisis management and institutional risk. As such, program directors must be regular faculty able to exercise a high degree of discretion and responsibility on behalf of the institution while also leading an academically challenging study abroad program.
A list of regular faculty designations that are eligible to be program directors and a list of others not eligible to serve as program directors is provided below.
Regular Faculty Eligible to be Program Directors: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Regents Professor, Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Instructor, Academic Professional, Senior Academic Professional, Senior Lecturer, and Lecturer. Incumbents also may hold an administrative title like “chair” or “director.”
Others Not Eligible to be Program Directors: Public Service Professional, Research Scientist, Research Associate, Research Engineer, Research Technologist, Graduate students, part-time faculty, part-time instructors, adjunct faculty, and faculty or staff with temporary or visiting positions.
International Agreement Support
- GSU International Agreements Database
- GSU International Agreement Templates and Resources
Globally-Focused Units in Arts and Sciences
- Department of World Languages and Cultures
- Asian Studies Center
- Center for Human Rights and Democracy
- Center for Latin American and Latino Studies
- Contact Heather Housley - [email protected]
- For more details