Terrick Adolphe
Entering college as an undeclared major, Terrick Adolphe did not expect to be a STEM Scholar. Rather, Terrick had thoughts of pursuing English studies with the intention to begin law school after graduation. As often happens in college, however, Terrick changed his mind after taking a computer science course. “I took elective courses in political science, Japanese, pre-calculus, and computer science in my first year of college–just to see what interests me most. My computer science course stuck, and now I am graduating with a computer science bachelor’s degree.”
As a student in the Honors College, Terrick was encouraged to develop and hone his programming skills through various avenues, such as programming competitions for Coke and NASA, lab research at Texas A&M, and corporate work for Amazon. Currently, Terrick is an employee of Amazon’s Brand Ambassador program and an information technician for Amazon’s customer service department. In his spare time, Terrick enjoys cartoons, shadowboxing, whale facts, and connection with his peers in the Undergraduate STEM Research Society (USRS), the Computer Science Club, and the Honors Student Organization.
Terrick graduated in Spring 2016, and will pursue a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Business, or Computer Information Systems. Why? “My first real computer science job was a summer research opportunity. I was one of 10 people selected to participate in a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at Texas A&M University, where I spent 10 weeks in the robotics laboratory of Dr. Robin Murphy, developing real-time communication web applications and interfaces for disaster-responding robots.” Research is fascinating.