FREE Tutoring (Biol, Chem, CSC, Math, Phys)
Make an account and login in with your student credentials:
- Start typing the Department and a dropdown box will show you the available courses
- Mouse over the time and day to see if the session is in-person or online
Tutoring Schedule
In-person: Located in the GSU Sports Arena Room 102
Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-1pm (check Tutorocean for course availability)
Online: Check Tutorocean schedule for tutor availability.
For 1:1 help, drop by the STEM Center or reserve a session in advance on-line
Click on the YouTube links below to hear from our tutors:
YouTube link:
YouTube link:
Need help with TutorOcean? Here’s a guide: Student Guide with screenshots
Need help with Tutor Ocean?
Here’s a short video on how to create a login.
Here’s a PDF on how to make an appointment for an online session.