Starting and Enhancing a STEM Tutoring Center:
Tools for the Practitioner
Dabney Dixon (Georgia State University), Alan Craig (Georgia State University), Susan Carver (Cleveland State University), Kelli Wellborn (University of Texas at Dallas), and Justin Boone (lead programmer, Georgia Institute of Technology)
The effectiveness of your Center, both in terms of asking for resources and deciding how to use them, can be greatly aided by data analysis. With the support of the Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC), the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), we have created tools for you to use.
Suggestions on how to start a center and help in running it are given here.
We have created an Excel spreadsheet that allows facile data analysis. This will help you both in reporting the success of your Center to the administration and in planning the days and hours of tutor staffing.
- The types of reports available are given here.
- The Excel program itself is free for all to use; download it here.
- Detailed directions on its use are given here.
- A set of test data for practice is given here.
- Organize your data into the DATA format.
- Copy and paste it in the appropriate cells on the DATA sheet in the Excel program.
- Follow the directions (carefully) on the INSTRUCTION tab to create the tables.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (1524832). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.