STEM Education Programs

About STEM Education Initiatives
The Georgia State University Center for STEM Education Initiatives seeks to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning at the University. We use innovations in teaching approaches, implementation of evidence-based teaching practices, and significant support for our students to help them graduate with the depth of technical knowledge, the curiosity, and the problem-solving skills to compete in the 21st century. We engage in research to generate new knowledge about teaching, apply theories to the everyday practice of instruction, and develop, evaluate, and critique educational policy.
Spring 2020 CUREs Awareness
Over 45 Biology students, TA’s, and faculty gathered last week at University Student Center to kick off an awareness campaign to get the word out to students about the Spring 2020 CUREs offered by the Program for Undergraduate Research in the Life Sciences (PURL). Participants from each CURE wore shirts designed to highlight their research teams. Drs. Jessica Joyner and Matthew Nusnbaum helped get the word out for the event and contributed donuts and coffee for everyone to enjoy. Students interested in joining a CURE can learn more and apply via the PURL website.
Contact Us
Deanna Richards, STEM Program Manager
102 Sports Arena /404-413-5563 / [email protected]