High Resolution Imaging with the ZEISS LSM 980 + Airyscan 2
Hosted by the Imaging Core Facility
Join us for a ZEISS presentation aimed at educating scientists and students on how you can use your LSM 980 to easily achieve fast and gentle high-resolution images. Learn how Airyscan 2 can help you to acquire higher quality data, faster than ever before.
High-Resolution Imaging With Your ZEISS LSM 980
When: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
10:30-11:30 am
Presenter: Dr. Chase Bryan, 3D Imaging Specialist
Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC
Where: Georgia State University
Petit Science Center (PSC) Room 124 + Online
Demo slots are available!
Questions? Contact Dr. Kuangcai Chen at [email protected].
All faculty, staff, and students are invited. We look forward to seeing you there.